Level 3 Early Years Educator Apprenticeship

Level 3 Early Years Educator Apprenticeship

£350 Employer Contribution + 95% Gov funded

The L3 Early Years Educator is a 15-18-month apprenticeship ideal for employees that support and promote children and young people’s early education and development. These employees play an important role in preparing young people for their future school lives by helping them to gain the full range of social and practical skills they need to progress.

It should be noted that Level 3 Early Years Educators, and other job roles such as nursery nurses and childminders, are highly trained professionals who play a key role in ensuring that young children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe. They work in a range of settings including full day care, children’s centres, pre-schools, reception classes and as childminders. They may either be working on their own or supervising others to deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) requirements set by the Government for the learning, development and care of children from birth to 5 years old.

Apprenticeship Overview:

  • Level: 3
  • Course type: Apprenticeship
  • Duration: 15- 18 Months (including Endpoint Assessment)
  • End-point assessment organisation: TQUK
  • Certification: Level 3 Early Years Educator, Level 2 Functional Skills English (if required), (Montessori Diploma if combined)
  • Cost per apprenticeship: Non-levy employer contribution (5%) £350 paid by employer, or Private payment: £2,600
  • Cost per apprenticeship + Montessori Diploma: Non-levy employer contribution (5%)  £350 paid by employer, plus £1,500 / or Private payment: £2,600 + £1,850

What will I study?

It's important to note that the Early Years Educator Level 3 Apprenticeship is made up of several themes which develop the practitioner’s knowledge, skills and behaviour. Undertaking this apprenticeship will develop the practitioner’s ability to reflect and understand the underpinning policies, procedures and theories in early years practice to become a competent and professional Level 3 Early Years Educator. The programme is spread across 18 months and covers 12 units across 7 themes:
  • Health, Safety & Wellbeing of Children
  • Understanding Child Development
  • Communication with Children
  • Safeguarding in a Childcare setting
  • Role of Practitioner
  • Working in Partnership
  • Working with additional needs

Entry requirements?

  • In paid employment (Working for a minimum of 16 hours per week)
  • Have lived in the UK or EEA/EU for the last 3+years (With a valid form of ID)
  • Not be using any other government funding (College, University or online training courses)
  • 16-18 year-olds, if they do not have GCSE English & Maths grade C/4 or Functional Skills equivalent, will be required to study L2 Functional Skills English & Maths.
  • 19+ year olds, if they do not have GCSE English grade C/4 or Functional Skills equivalent, will be able to study to gain L2 Functional Skills English (EYFS qualification requirement).
  • Will require a valid EYFS-recognised Paediatric First Aid certificate for EPA gateway.
  • Be able to commit to the full course duration and meet the programme modules through your job role

How will I study?

Throughout the Level 3 Early Years Educator apprenticeship, you will receive a combination of face-to-face and online training and support. You will be required to complete your apprenticeship employed at a Nursery as an apprentice. This also includes off-the-job training.
  • Your Online learning
On BUD, you can access your e-portfolio, where you will find your assessment plans and resources. Furthermore, you can track your progress and develop your personal skills and practice 24/7.
  • Your Ongoing Support
As an Apprentice, you will work alongside qualified staff in your early years setting. Furthermore, you will have a dedicated Development Coach who will conduct monthly teaching sessions online and visit you in your nursery. During these sessions, your coach will provide teaching and learning, assess your work, offer feedback on your progress, and provide vital guidance on areas for improvement.
  • Off-the-Job Training
Off-the-Job hours are a Government requirement which needs to take place within the apprentices normal working paid hours. The aim is to develop their knowledge, skills and behaviours within their role. This can include online teaching, in-house training, mentor meetings, workplace assessments, digital learning resources, apparatus workshops and one-on-one tuition. To support you, alongside your Development Coach you will be required to have a mentor for both your Early Years training and Montessori learning to help support your learning journey.
  • Independent Learning
Your Development Coach will diligently guide you through the process, utilising a range of assessment methods to gather evidence of your developing skills, knowledge, and behaviours. These methods include face-to-face observations, employer observations, assignment work, independent study and research, case studies, videos, professional discussions, and questions and answers.

How Will I be Assessed?

After successful delivery of the programme, You will be able to enter the Gateway to take your End-Point Assessment (EPA). The End-Point Assessment is an independent synoptic assessment of the knowledge, skills and behaviours which have been learnt throughout the apprenticeship and tests the apprentice’s ability to apply them in the workplace.
  • Multiple choice knowledge test (60 minute duration)
  • Professional Discussion (90 minute duration). Underpinned by a portfolio of work

When can I start?

You can start the apprenticeship at anytime.

How long will my certificate be valid?

Once you have been awarded your certificate, it is valid for life and internationally recognised.

How do I apply for funding?

  • This apprenticeship costs £7,000 and is funded by the employer and the government.
  • The government will pay 95% (£6,650) of the cost.
  • The remaining 5% (£350) is to be paid by the employer at the start of the apprenticeship.
To see if you qualify, click here.

What can I do with the Level 3 Early Years Educator qualification?

This qualification holds significant value, counting in ratio at Level 3, enabling roles such as Nursery Teacher, Room Leader, or Manager.

Additionally, our students and apprentices have demonstrated remarkable career trajectories. Notable roles our graduates have transitioned into includes:

  • Nursery Manager
  • Deputy Manager
  • Room Leader
  • Early Years Educator
  • Nursery Owner
Moreover, our MAA recruitment service can assist in career opportunities.

Did you know?

Additionally, employers can access £1,000 for taking on an apprentice who is 16-18 years old.

Are you excited to start your journey to becoming a highly trained and impactful Early Years Educator?

If you're ready to take that first step towards your career goals, simply call our friendly team to discuss your learning plans and how your qualification with MAA can help you get to your dream career.

01923 463 927 | info@montessoriapprentice.co.uk

New To Early Years?

If you or a staff member is brand new to Early Years, then the Level 2 Early Years Practitioner Apprenticeship may be what you're looking for. It serves as an entry point, offering hands-on experience, structured training, and a nationally recognised qualification. Apprentices benefit from mentorship and support while contributing to children's development in Early Years settings. This apprenticeship opens doors for career progression and provides a solid foundation for further growth within the sector.


Once enrolled, you will receive your login to the Online Learning Platform, BUD. Here, you can study the online modules, submit assignments, monitor your progress, contact your Development coach, and much more.