MAA Accreditation Scheme 2021

MAA Accreditation Scheme 2021

MAA Accreditation Scheme 2021

We are thrilled to announce that from September 2021, we (MAA) will be launching our very own Montessori accreditation scheme.

What is the Montessori accreditation scheme and how will it help your Montessori nursery?

  • Enhance your nursery setting
    The accreditation scheme provides Montessori nursery settings with a self-reflection toolkit to enable them to reflect the quality of their provision.
  • Improve your Montessori culture
    As a team, you can embark on a 12-month journey to create a culture of Montessori that is deeply embedded within your nursery setting.
  • Improve the quality of your business
    Evaluate and reflect on your current provision, gather evidence along the way to support your actions, and showcase your quality improvement journey.

How long will it take to become an accredited Montessori nursery?
In the 12 months after submitting your toolkit, you will be visited by a Montessori assessor.
If you meet all our criteria you will receive an accreditation stamp.

What is the difference between a nursery with or without a accreditation stamp?
This accreditation stamp proves that you are a true Montessori. You can share this stamp of approval with prospective parents and on your advertising material for your nursery. We will also publish our accredited Montessori settings on our website and send our students to do their placement with you.

If you are interested in applying for this accreditation scheme, please contact our friendly team. or telephone 01923 463 927 or chat to our team via our online chat feature on our website. Our office hours are Monday-Friday, 8:30am – 4:30pm.