4 Ways to Motivate Your Team

4 Ways to Motivate Your Team

A motivated team is a productive and effective team. Without your team your nursery setting could not function so it’s essential that your employees feel encouraged and inspired on a daily basis. Here are four ways to motivate them:

1. Communication
Communication can help promote bonding, build trust and create a positive working environment. Providing opportunities to listen to your childcare team can range from scheduled weekly one-on-one meetings, an open door policy or morning team huddles – it depends on which way works for you and your nursery setting.

2. Recognition
A good way to motivate and encourage your nursery team, is to recognise their achievements. This can be as simple as providing positive feedback to introducing an incentive scheme such as a monetary reward, gifts, or even taking your team out for lunch.

3. Empowerment
Discuss your visions and goals for the nursery and ask your team’s opinion on how to achieve this together as a team.

4. Training
To ensure your team are motivated to work to the best of their ability, they should have relevant childcare training as well as specific training for your nursery.

What are your training plans for 2023?

If you haven’t made them yet, get in touch and find out how we can help.